Do you root or do you go straight to ROMs?
Custom ROM: yes, rooted: no
Still, google shouldn’t be blocking a messaging functionality just because something is rooted. That’s fucked.
Google blocking RCS after their complaints about Apple not supporting their standard is really funny, but why CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 in this case?
The Google Messages app is Google Proprietary as is their server implementation for RCS
quick question: an unrooted lineageos install will allow me to use banking apps hassle-free?
because now the only thing that helps is rooting and using xposed to hide the fact im on a custom rom…
Really depends on the banking app. Unfortunately, you have to try it yourself. You can also give it a go in Waydroid.
AdAway, AFWall+, A-GPS SUPL Replacer, Pixel Tensor Audio Decompressor, Wireguard Command line tools, Termux and chroot capabikities, App Manager, Pixel IMS, SDMaid automation, and a number of other controls on how my phone works.
Its not for everyone.
I have root on this phone I’m using to post. I’m also running LineageOS 21.
The reason I do this is because this is my phone and I’ll be in control of it. Also I want to keep my phone running as long as possible. I’m still using a Pixel 2 XL.
The only thing I want to root for anymore is adblocking. All the other shit that I used to add, they’re part of default android now. I’m just lazy and haven’t gotten around to rooting my current phone.
I use DNS66 for a vpn-based ad blocker. Works great, no root needed.