I currently use TinyWall Firewall, it works very well, it’s small/portable, no complaints I even donated to the Dev but I would really prefer open source, also it needs to be user friendly like TinyWall so my non-tech family members can/will use it like they do with TinyWall.
May I know what all flavors you’ve tried, and what were the specific reasons they failed? Only if you wish to share or course.
I’m merely asking out of curiosity because my both parents, as well as my aunt and uncle (all over 65+ and non-technical) have been happily using Linux for over a decade, without any major issues or complaints. They were on Xubuntu previously, and currently on Zorin Lite since around 4 or 5 years ago. Admittedly, their needs are fairly simple - they mainly use their PCs for Facebook, emails and other Web stuff, some light document editing, photo archival, the odd printouts and scans, and even playing some simple games like Mahjong. Their systems never broke, they never had to touch the terminal, and besides the ocassional “how do I do this” query, I haven’t had to do any serious tech support for them in many years - which is a far cry from days back then they used to run Windows - no more formatting, no more gradual slowdonws, no more malware attacks, no ads or spyware. It’s really a pity that more ordinary folks don’t get to experience Linux, when it really shines the best for such folks - the ones who don’t have complex requirements.