A lot of the issues reported here, started showing up on my device after each OS update, but VLC didn’t push any updates for over a year now… VLC is king, but what went wrong?
Edit: I think I saw a post on Mastodon saying it something to do with Google Play Store policies change, but what about the Fdroid version… ?
The main problem is that VLC’s minimum SDK is still targeting Android 4.2, this is an issue with a ton of apps (games specially), which basically renders them incompatible/buggy with modern Android versions.
Being honest here, all app developers should target Android 8 as their minimum nowadays, as anything below that can’t even browse the web anymore.
firefox still supports android 5 so that’s a lie
I didn’t say lower SDKs can’t work, but there IS a higher chance that they’ll fail.
Backwards comparability with 5 would be nice :3
I’m going to assume lack of volonteers.
I use the fdroid version and never had issues