There’s going to be a temperature range somewhere between “fridge” and “corona of the sun” where that milk is the foulest-smelling thing in the universe.
Hmmmm milk is slightly acidic, and concrete will dissolve if the pH is lowered from its normal high alkalinity, so given a large enough volume of milk…I suppose milk would dissolve concrete substantially faster than water would.
“Milk, when vapourised, passed through an appropriately enegetic field and converted into a plasma, can melt concrete”
There’s going to be a temperature range somewhere between “fridge” and “corona of the sun” where that milk is the foulest-smelling thing in the universe.
Delicious plasma milk
More like “the concrete sizzles as the milk eats through it.”
I mean, it had said something about pasteurization heat just before that, but I don’t think that’s right.
Yeah, boiling milk is is going cut through concrete at about the same rate a river cuts through a continent, and that process isn’t melting
Hmmmm milk is slightly acidic, and concrete will dissolve if the pH is lowered from its normal high alkalinity, so given a large enough volume of milk…I suppose milk would dissolve concrete substantially faster than water would.