Personally I don’t watch videos on software (except for skimming tutorials) since I prefer to learn about topics with written tutorials or Reddit. Software influencers have been on the rise for the past several years, everything from grifters claiming they can help you start an SWE career, to ones that make tutorials and showcases on software.

I’m more interested in hearing about the later. I came across found this discussion: What can we learn from Neovim’s rise in popularity? : emacs, with comments claiming that Youtubers like ThePrimeagen have helped a lot with making Neovim popular. I crossposted it to r/neovim and many so far many users there said that they found Neovim through ThePrimeagen’s videos.

    3 months ago

    Mutahar (SomeOridinaryGamer) is… possibly? probably? … the most popular youtuber who regularly uses linux, games on linux, explains to people how to do so, has come up with many of his own methods and tutorials.

    He does a whole bunch of other kinds of content, but he functionally serves as a linux evangelist for pc gamers, with general appeal.

    He’s been gaming and daily driving linux for … probably half a decade now, starting to do so back before Proton really started to take off.

    Mutahar’s initial exploration into, and then just casual usage of linux for gaming, has probably/possibly done more to normalize amd destigmatize the idea of gaming on linux than any other youtuber I can think of.