Hello, I got 20 euro to spend on the autunm sale, so wanted to ask what games you would recommend to get.

Any kind of game work’s of any kind of game work’s up ti 20 euro.

You can reccommend one amazing game for 20 euro, or multiple small addctivie indie titles for up to 20 euro, anything goes.

Looking forward to check out your recommendations.

  • Ashtear@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Darkest Dungeon, Jedi Fallen Order, and Titanfall 2 are all super cheap. Darkest Dungeon pissed me off 15 hours in or so, enough to ragequit the game, and I’d still consider it well worth the current price.

    Disco Elysium and the original Hades are also great buys at 10€.