Today’s game is Uncharted 4. I wanted to play some Halo CE (for whatever reason I’ve been craving that lately), but Halo MCC has decided to just stop launching from my external SSD. I ended up biting the bullet and installing it onto my internal SSD on my Steam Deck instead. This whole fiasco with my SD Card dying and me being limited back to 512 GB has me considering buying a new internal SSD for it (though, I do have plans for a expensive Ray Tracing Gaming Desktop I want to build after playing Alan Wake II, so maybe some day)

I ended up calling Uncharted 4 off early today as I got stumped at an encounter and was starting to get frustrated. It was at that point I decided to let it go for a bit before I stopped having fun. I plan to pick it back up tomorrow. I did get some gorgeous pictures though, I tried cropping them all at 5:4 to see if that helped sell the realism like I felt it did with Alan Wake II, I don’t think it did though (I suspect Alan Wake II had some more going on than just a simple crop though)

This picture, and the main one I picked reminds me of Red Dead Redemption 2. In the northern part of the map up in the mountains there’s a Waterfall with a cave you can pass through behind it. This section of Uncharted and RDR2 have similar lighting I feel like which reminded me of it

Then there’s this dangling skeleton which reminded me of Ocarina of Time and the Forest Temple. Specifically that section with the courtyard. This one I can’t really narrow it down why it reminded me of that. Maybe it’s all the foliage?

Finally theres these two Cave images, which I thought were pretty. Today just has me very nostalgic ig, because these two remind me of something to. It’s a lot less specific what though. I’m thinking maybe Red Dead 2 again with the cave with the guy who claims he’s satan (and you can use to glitch out of bounds)?

  • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    That’s what i was thinking when i took them. Its impressive, especially considering this is all running on my Steam Deck