Posts not appearing in communities when other group actors are mentioned.

Tried making a post (link below) to a lemmy community while also mentioning two other groups. My post never appeared in the Lemmy community.
This seems like a bug, when I tried posting to two lemmy communities at once the first went through, the second did not.

Does anyone know what’s up with this?


  • Jupiter
    4 months ago

    No. You can’t crosspost to two or more Lemmy communities at once. AFAICS, that’s fully deliberate and intentional by design to keep people from spamming Lemmy with mass-crossposts.

    What it fixes is trouble with crossposting to Lemmy, Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) and Guppe groups. You can’t mention these in any order you like. You always have to begin with one Lemmy community. If a Lemmy community is not mentioned first, it will be ignored, no matter what is mentioned first.

    Also, apparently, mentioning Guppe groups before a Friendica group, a Hubzilla forum or a (streams) group doesn’t work either.