“The current obsession with nostalgia and remake culture is easy to understand when you realize that it’s a symptom of a culture that isn’t allowed to imagine a future.”

  • Warl0k3@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You’ve a winning argument, to be sure! Not sure where I quantified how much I think hollywood influences culture but okay.

    FWIW, obviously popular media both is influential and responds to culture. “Hollywood” really shouldn’t be treated as a singular entity if we’re trying for a semblance of legitimacy. This is really quickly going to fall into a discussion of the role of the audience and how that’s changed in the digital era (vs. when Aristotle first brought it up…), and neither of us care enough to suffer through thay. Suffice to say it’s not cut and dry, and beyond that I dont know any better than you do what specific impact they have (and neither do they).