It was shared on the fediverse 2 days ago. Now, we get this. I don’t want to assume malice, but something seems fishy.
Fortunately, it’s still available on fdroid. This is one of the reasons you should get your apps from fdroid instead of play store.
Absolutely. Fdroid is awesome.
I hate the fact that there’s no simple, free, ad-free note-taking app either inbuilt or on the app store. Just something simple and local to take a quick shopping list or a name or something like that. Fdroid has me covered for that.
? Google has Keep. It’s whacky but it definitely has one and I think it comes pre-installed with base Android.
Haven’t looked into good FOSS alternatives on F-Droid yet.
last I checked the aosp doesn’t include gapps
No one was talking about AOSP though?
i consider the aosp to be base android, sorry if i misinterpreted your comment
That’s like saying ungoogled Chromium is base Chrome. “Base Android” is what ships with Google’s Pixel phones, which comes with Google apps.
by that definition, librewolf is the base of firefox, and one ui is base android as well. google pixel ui is not anywhere near “base” android. the base of something is the support of it, and android supports both oneui and pixel ui. at the core, the foundation, the base, one ui and pixel ui are android. android is not reliant on google services, google services are reliant on android. Edit: I made a poll on this, posted in [email protected]. Feel free to vote for your answer here
I use obsidian works very well very simple and can be very complicated depending on what you want to do
I just set up Obsidian with Syncthing like so many Lemmy users recommend and it is totally awesome! I also love that I can theme it differently on my phone, tablet, laptop, and computer.
I use foldersync to SFTP back up my phone. But obsidian is great
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I didn’t know about Organic Maps so I installed it for the first time. I registered to openstreetmaps and added 5 places. This is great 😸
Welcome aboard! What’s nice is that your changes are implemented quickly.
Yeah, it’s great to help contribute like that, I live in a really small town so the map was quite out of date, so I patched it up. OSM is slowly becoming a legitimate competitor with Google Maps and Apple Maps in terms of data quality and Google is cowering in fear that a libre, ad-free app will be far better than their closed-source, ad-infested, data-selling app.
I’m fed up with Google (& other huge companies) so I’m totally with openstreetmaps! I’ll add more info a little by little. Thanks for your contributions!
Dang I really called it
So, why is organic maps hidden with the default anti features of f-droid? Which of these that have allowed my other installs does organic maps not comply with?
None of these look like something I’d want to turn off!
Non free network service. Organic maps uses the organic maps CDN to download maps. Which is not a free (free as in freedom) service.
You can read more here:
For more information on anti features read here: