I’m a little biased right now.
I’m a little biased right now.
This is unfortunate, I like my privacy, I’ve also been hearing about server side ads. On grayjay, I haven’t needed to sign in.
I’m on a different instance, I think that let’s me see all of the Internet’s sides.
They took down the fucking don’t be evil sign! Google used to be a good company but I don’t trust their actions. I’ve only found out about the spyware level chrome browser, not to mention that Google has been coloring my searches on the internet.
But what do I expect from a ADVERTISING company first and for most?
Don’t authenticate to a search engine.
Haha, yes I’m an eggplant, thank you BTW, I enjoy seeing you posting! I think you were a reason I stick around lemmy.
My lifespan is shorter than 30 years so yes.
My last straw was the privacy and lack of control.
I didn’t like software being released by Microsoft telling me my choices were bad or unoptimal, I like my software, I made my choices from listening to others and forming my own opinion. I had a shift in thinking recently, I wanted to start selecting my software based on my values rather than just choosing whatever works.
I do lean to having privacy and freedom to do whatever with my tools as “good” things
I never even thought that automating a browser would be a thing!
Linux adoption would probably take hold if it was advertised, but it’s not the thing the linux community wants from what I’ve heard and I don’t think our voices are useless, especially with the Sony incident
In my experience, Linux mint hasn’t had me use the terminal once to adjust settings. I think its the best shot I’ve got at moving my mother over to if windows gets too slow.
I think its pretty normie friendly.