Formerly Keegen on, this is my Lemmy account.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • Screw Gothic 3 and 4, this is the real sequel us Gothic fans have been waiting for! A genuine delight to play through, and the Polish voice acting was just as incredible as it was in Gothic 1 and 2, despite being a fan project! Waiting patiently for the Mod of the Decade edition to re-play it again and try out all the new things they add (very excited for the teased mage path!)

  • According to their website:

    In order to play Skyblivion you will need to own a legitimate copy of Oblivion GOTY Deluxe (ALL DLC) and Skyrim: Special Edition. Our installer will not install the mod unless it can find a non-cracked copy of the original games.


    Skyblivion will work the same as most other complete overhaul mods. Simply install the mod via the installer and press play.

    So you’ll probably need a pure unmodded version of Skyrim for it to install onto, but we won’t know for sure until the actual release date.

  • I started playing GW2 at the end of 2023 an been having a blast with it! I played WoW for a decade until the combo of Shadowlands and the Acti-Blizz allegations soured me on that company forever. I tried FFXIV with everyone going over to that game and the story was good but the button bloat pushed me away from really getting into it. I then had that MMO itch at the end of 2023 again and decided to try GW2 and it’s been great. Fun story, good gameplay and most importantly no subscription. It’s so nice to be able to play with breaks and come back whenever you want to with no need to open up your wallet every time, just buy the expansions and Living Worlds once and you are done!

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    This looks much better than the last trailer, I appreciate how so many of the animations are clearly inspired by the janky but charming original ones. My biggest complaint from the Teaser was the overly talkative player character. Don’t turn the Nameless Hero into your bog standard “must comment on literally everything that happens” character so many modern games have.