“The term boomer shooter has a rather nebulous origin, and it likely started as a joke. Online pedants often point out that the original first-person shooters were developed by Gen-Xers like John Carmack (born 1970) and John Romero (born 1967), not Baby Boomers. However, “boomer shooter” uses the slang version of the term boomer, as a stand-in for any older person who is closed-minded and out of touch—so please, direct those complaints elsewhere.”
It looks like an issue with the premade Lutris installer/config package.
Can you try downloading the installer from GOG and install manually in Lutris via the “Install a Windows Game from an executable” (the + button on the top left) option?
There you can choose “Windows XP 32bit” as an Installer preset, this should provide the best compatibility.