That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
I think it’s perfectly sized. No need for change. And the OLED model is noticeably more lightweight than the original LCD model, so the newer one isn’t too heavy.
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
I think it’s perfectly sized. No need for change. And the OLED model is noticeably more lightweight than the original LCD model, so the newer one isn’t too heavy.
Not a big surprise. Capcom isn’t exactly famous for their great PC optimization. Guess I’ll have to pass on this one. Pity.
Still, I’ll hold a glimmer of hope that modders will fix the poor optimization. They did it for World, apparently, before Capcom released an official patch that did exactly what the optimization mod did.
Yeah, I ended up just using my spare PS5 controller instead, and that’s worked perfectly. Some games even support its adaptive triggers, which was a nice surprise.
I tried connecting my old Xbone controller and had the same issue. I think they use some old, unsupported version of Bluetooth (or maybe their own proprietary signal). You’re outta luck, I’m afraid.
Sounds like you didn’t play the game at all. Or you were just really bad at it.
It’s like Devil May Cry; you absolutely cannot button mash if you want to do well in the game.
It’s a Wabbajack modlist. So it’s actually hundreds of mods.
I love the Steam Deck; I think it’s the best thing to happen to PC gaming since Steam itself, but the Verified system is so unreliable that I mostly ignore it. I’ve played “Unsupported” games that work perfectly out of the box and I’ve refunded “Verified” games that wouldn’t even launch.
ProtonDB is a much more reliable source for how well any game will run on the Deck.
Well, I guess this cinches it - I’m never buying another Nintendo product.
I was already on the fence, as I still wanted to support innocent developers who happen to be part of a shitty company. I even bought a Switch and every game I pirated so I could have a clean conscience when playing them on my Steam Deck.
Not anymore! I’m putting Nintendo squarely in my list of publishers to ignore. It’s a small gesture, meaningless to a megacorp like them, but it’s enough for me.
Fuck you, Nintendo. You used to be cool.
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$14 billion. That’s actually pretty hefty. Go, EU regulators! Do what my regulatory-captured country won’t!
Oh, did GTA IV have multiplayer? That’s the one I’m least familiar with. Must not have been nearly as robust as GTA V’s.
GTA V made online the core component of it’s game. So much so, that they innitially considered GTA Online to be a seperate game included with GTA V.
You contradicted yourself there. GTA Online can’t be both a core component of GTA V and a standalone game.
So Rockstar, who already had the most financially successful game of all time in GTA V from game sales alone, put its resources into the online component in order to fund the development of its sequel. It’s not like they needed to attract new players to the single player game, being, again, that it was the most successful game of all time. Technically it was the most successful media venture of all time (it made more money than any movie, music, or game ever).
If they hadn’t done that, GTA VI and RDR 2 would’ve had smaller budgets and likely wouldn’t have been as good.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Only one GTA game has had an online component. Every GTA game since 3 has been a best-in-class, genre/generation-defining singleplayer experience.
You pay for the singleplayer. The online bit is just gravy. Some people like said gravy enough to fund the development of Rockstar’s next game. I see nothing wrong with this.
I, for one, welcome our new cyborg mushroom overlords.
Man, I thought I’d found my people in this community, but my perfectly civil comment discussing scientific definitions of ‘sex’ was removed. That shows that this is likely just another echo chamber that can’t abide civil conversation around scientific facts when said facts make people feel icky.
The worst part is I’m on your side. I’m all in on inclusivity and representation. I’m trans. I’m bisexual. I’m just open-minded, seemingly unlike whichever mod removed my comment.
You, apotheotic, seem civil enough. I was looking forward to discussing biological sex with you, maybe expanding my understanding in the process, but it’s not worth trying to have a conversation if I have to worry about my responses being unceremoniously removed. For what it’s worth, your reply has inspired me to do some more reading on the subject.
Reddit mod practices seem to have bled into every corner of Lemmy. Community: blocked. Good riddance.
Eek, this reads like a white person getting upset about someone using “black” instead of “African American”
Who’s being excluded here? My suggestion was to change ‘sex’ in video game character creation to ‘apparent sex.’
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Technically there is an extremely small amount of people born as both sexes (intersex), but they tend to have appearances that favor one sex over the other, so from a game development perspective, they’re covered by having two sex options.
To me, the obvious answer is to do away with the concept of “gender” altogether. It’s a societal construct that doesn’t really need to exist in video game character creation, anyway.
Everybody is born one of two biological sexes: male or female. There. Those are your choices. Call it “apparent sex” and include a pronoun option to allow for players who want to roleplay gender nonconforming characters.
Cold, actually.
So much Elden Ring. I already Platinum’d it on PS5 at launch, but I recently saw that there’s a surprisingly big and active modding community for it, so I got it on Steam and installed the Elden Ring Reforged mod. It’s been long enough since I played and the mod changes enough that it feels like a new game. It’s incredible.