AI stealing our work. The collapse of social networks. The need to pay journalists to produce impactful journalism. Here is why we are asking for your email address to read 404 Media.
In hopes they read this comment - the problem is your price. $100 a year is about what I pay for membership to The Guardian - a highly respected, award winning newspaper, that gives away ALL its content. Why would I pay the same for tech news that covers a fraction of all the news out there?
At $5 a year I would have signed up after reading one good article - at $10 maybe after a couple of good articles - but at $100? Never. Even if you were the only good tech news site - and you are not.
Aggressive dialogs begging for my email = close tab. I don’t care what your excuse is.
Also, 404 (Not Found) is the dumbest name for any site ever, so I’m just as glad to see it go away.
Who cares what the name is? They produce decent quality content